YaY tutorial for connecting to YahooChess using Winboard and Polyglot

                        New Version YaY3.2.2Ultimate Edition 

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                                                                                  NEW Polyglot Opening Book!NEW

Download YaY_Ultimate_3 from YaY FORUM  and decompress to anywhere you wish.

YaY Ultimate 3 (exe format) does not need ActivePerl.

Doubleclick on theYaY Ultimate 3 Installer to begin installing YaY. You will then see thewindowshown below:





  the program install on C:YaY_Ultimate_3, is very important that you don`t change the default directory because the included shortcuts for the batch examples and WinBoard shortcuts are pointing to this default directory.



Please, Please, Please...take your time to read View Commands and Notes.txt

Select to launch YaY Ultimate 3 and Winboard Shortcuts installer on finishing installing.

 YaY should now have been installed along with WinBoard and all of the shortcuts needed.

 You should now have a YaY Ultimate 3 folder like the one pictured below (Figure 2), located here:  C:YaY_Ultimate_3  


Figure 2


You will then see the WinBoard shortcut selection window open (see Figure 3below)

Double click in the icon for YaY_Ultimate_3.exe

Select WinBoard_X with Polyglot and Rybka2.ink as shown, then click on LOAD SELECTED SHORTCUT



Figure 3


Next you will seethe User declaration/selection/options window (Figure 4 below)


Figure 4


Select Add_New_User( #1 ) and enter the User ID ( #2 ) and Password ( #3 ),you can then select save user/password to file for future use if you wish. ( #4 )

NOTE:If you chose to save user/password to file, next time you log in you will simply select the user name from the drop down instead of selecting Add_New_User ,additionally,if choose to save, the user ID and password will be encrypted for extra security.

Then click on Login (#5) as shown in Figure4.

The next window to open is the Room Selection (#1) on Figure 5.

Click on Select Region (as shown) and select a region from the drop down as shown in Figure5 below.



Figure 5


After this, YaY Ultimate will display the Room Selection window, as shown below in Figure 6:



Figure 6


Click on any of the available TABS and select from the list the Yahoo Chess room you wish to enter and then click on Joinroom as shown above in Figure 6.

Note that the numbers in the parenthesis next to each room is the actual number of players in that room at that time.

Note: If the room you want to enter is not displayed in any of the regions, remember that you canal ways declare the room in a batch file or in the command prompt when launching YaY Ultimate, example: YaY_Ultimate_3.exe --room chess_aa

Next you will seethe Test Word window (Figure 7)

(figure 7 )

NOTE:If you havetrouble reading the test word, click on the �I can tread this crap, give me a new test word� tab to be given a new test word to enterinstead. 

Afterthis youshould get the message Auto-Launching Winboard shortcut displayed in the command windows.

Oncethe test word has been accepted, and if you are using Windows XP, and depending on your firewall settings, you might or might not get aWindows Security Alert window. If you get this window, click on Unblock to continue.


                                             fritz 2 yahoo

 And then you'll see WinboardsICS Interaction window:


That`s it. You are now ready to play automatically.

For a list of commands read the file Commands and Notes.txt included with YaY Ultimate distribution.

To access the ICS Menu (which now contains most of the commands thanks to the new winboard.ini), right click on the ICS Interaction window. The next frame will pop up (Figure 14):


                                                                              Figure 14

There is no tutorial on how to use this ICS Menu, it is self explanatory. 

Note: To perform an action that requires addition information, for example to boot a player, you need to move the mouse scursor over of the player`s name then bring the ICS Menu up (by right clicking) then click on Boot(player) and YaY will boot that player without you having to type a single letter. This was just an example;there are hundreds of things you can do with the ICS Menu. Very easy folks, just play with it and you`ll understand how it works. Another note: Sometime the example above will not work if the player you want to boot has special character in his/hers ID, like underscore or perhaps some others.




By releasing YaY Ultimate 3 the way we did, and by adding these tutorials, now newbies will be able to be auto-playing at Yahoo chess almost instantly. We dono condemn the use of YaY and chess engines for cheating purposes.It is our whole intention to facilitate the use of these programs to newbies and perhaps some existing users, to show to them the exiting world of auto-chess playing.But things do not end here, we encourage all users to do their homework and their research, learn how to improve the performance of their computers, how to make opening books, to acquire more powerful engines, to tinker with settings and perhaps learn a programming language and write a chess engine or a better program than YaY, Rybka.


Visit YaY Ultimate forum at http://yay.10.forumer.com/ .


That's all my friends. You should be ready to go and play. You need to learn how to chat, create tables, start games,, leave tables, set timers, etc , etc,etc. 

Piece of advice, save and back up this page and the files you downloaded because they won't be available for ever.

Thanks a lot to the authors of winboard and YtoICS for making them available to the public for free, and to the guy or guys who figured out how to use all these programs/scripts together to achieve the goal of making chessbase programs to play automatically in yahoo chess servers.

This tutorial is copyrighted, it can be distributed freely but it can not be modified in any way, shape or form.

This page was updated last on Dec. 17,2011.